As one of the freaking crazy overdosed fan of Ben Barnes, it’s a common thing to have a simple wish. A city, where I can see more of Ben. Under the imaginary writing category, I pour out my obsession to live in that city. The city called Barnia ^_^
a benfan (me) arrived in the City of Barnia. Since she’s new in that city, she contacted the number posted on the information board in front of her hotel and started the conversation with the city information officer
“Am I speaking to Ben?
*in his husky baritone warm voice* “Yes mam, this is Ben speaking. How can I help you?”
*little trembled voice* “Can I have more info about exciting places in this city?”
*still in his husky baritone warm voice* “Of course mam. I’ll be delightful to offer you the City Center of Barnia, where you can see the marvelous Ben’s building. I suggest you to go there after sunset, so you can see all the remarkable lights too.”
*in his friendly-smiley-heart-melting voice* “or you can go to the plaza near there, you can find the Ben’s shop where you can buy all of your Ben’s stuffs needed for your holiday in Barnia City.
* almost in fainting voice* “I think I will go as you suggested. I will call back if I need more information”
*in his friendly-smiley-heart-melting voice* “with pleasure mam. Enjoy your tour. I will wait for your next call”
and me, the freaking crazy overdosed Benfan, decided to postpone her tour in the city. She needs to calm herself down first, before being able to go and see the suggested objects.
Those are what I had in mind when I looked at his pictures. My writings is just my point of view, my own analysis to comfort my feelings.
can you give me a free ticket to go there?? i’m deathly want it.. pliisssss.. *bating eyelash *.*
anyway this is soooo cooollllll.. love this toebildonk.. ^_^