Ada teman yang mendatangkan kecelakaan, tetapi ada juga sahabat yang lebih karib dari pada seorang saudara. (Amsal 18:24)
God’s gift: Family, Friendship, Good Meal and Sunny Day
Fandom world was a new thing for me many years ago. I started my first with Twilight followed with few other actors and singer and lasted with Ben Barnes from Narnia in 2010. I made new friends every time I was in a certain fandom world. Some friends are still in contact but most of them were gone with the wind.
There was a day, when I woke up with grateful heart. All I can remember was how great my life in the hand of my Savior is. Then a struck of memory brought me giggles. I remembered one long funny chat about kidnapping plan that I had with my friends in one WAG. I am not a good writer, but this one event tickles my heart to write a story about friendship, which born from the Fandom World.
It was Elise, my friend from Twilight fandom who brought me to a group of women, called themselves as “CDrama Lovers.” Not that I agreed to join, but Elise has this kind “do first, report later” principle, that made me entered the group without my consent. But I never then regret it. My first interaction with the members was surprisingly fun and heart-warming. It happened that I was the eldest among the other 11 members. But for sure, my knowledge about Chinese-Korean-Japanese-Thai drama was kindergarten level compare the rest of other members. So being with them was like entering the grand library to seek anything I need to know about drama world.
We spoke a same “love to the Eternal Love of Dream drama” language. Since it was on-going drama, we were always have long-witty-heart wrenching-chat about each episodes, the casts, the story, and of course how the couple made our heart ballooning. Isn’t it always fun, when you were in fandom world and you can meet friends with the same interest? In only a short time, this group becoming a compliment to my cup of morning coffee, my first to visit after my wake-up every morning- prayer.
Till one day, one of my friend drop an issue about underage girl who joined an adult WAG. We were quite intense in discussing how to handle that kind of situation. Kind of weird actually, how we concerned about an issue outside our WAG. Then, out of the blue, another friend asked us to send our ID, to make sure that no one in our group was underage. It was funny request, but the funnier came after that. I sent my ID, followed by all the others. (And the funniest part, now I have 11 IDs in my HP memory, which always makes me smile every time I remember, the reason I can get them). That was the moment, where the story began.
We flipped from discussing the underage girl to discussing years of birth and marital status. We chatted about some terminologies that not too common and too blatant. Then each member started to share their thoughts and experience towards marriage. A real heart to heart chat, which I never imagined I could experienced in WAG, with friends I never met and only knew each other for few months.
Following to that, we started to call each other using Chinese term, though not all of us have Chinese blood. My good fellow Nat even made matrix level on how we can use it.

I collected fun facts about our birthdays

Nat (as usual, she’s the wise Zhe Yan) and I (a little assistance to what she’s done) describing us in words. (I put the original in Bahasa Indonesia, because it’s worth of love)

Adding to our craziness, we have tens of thousands of conversations, hundreds of videos, gifs and stickers. And using my power as Da Jie, the ancient deity, I decided we will stick as exclusively 12 members only. I have my own personal egoistic reason and the rest of the members’ just need to agree with my decision (I am too powerful on certain issues).
I’m not saying that I always in my happy mood. To be honest, sometimes I felt frustrated. When I posted about my bias (Dylan Wang Hedi), and no one takes it. (That’s only crumbs of fungurling). Besides that, I have eleven friends, each of whom is a unique, attractive, and sometimes so bloody annoying and shameless too (I quoted this from my Zhe Yan, Nat). But I have something more to be grateful.
We, a group of women who lives in different cities and continents, but always have time to check in. A group of women who shares their love and hate to Chinese-Korean-Japanese-Thai Dramas, actors and actresses, whom proudly call themselves as “Eonnie halu & mesum gaje” (Unclear perverted hallucinating sisters). A group of women who have scattered minds and many times resulting mixed conversations which sometimes difficult to follow but unbelievably caused burst of laughter.
In less than 6 months, we grew into a group of women with a strong bond. We became a group of soul-sisters, who stay awake till late to read, give advises, suggestion and help for whoever poured their frustrations or need assistance. One of the mementos was when we cried all together for one of our sisters who lost her husband, and really tried our best to pamper her. I kept her words and strongly felt it is important to put them in my writing, because those words represent my thoughts about us.
Thank you Da Jie, trust me, you’re all has done more to support me, whether intentionally or unintentionally, you show kindness that really touches my heart, something that I really need right now. Maybe you’re all angels sent by the Lord to help me during my difficult times. God’s length hands to show me He will never leave me alone. Once again, thank you my soul sisters…
The time spent with them, worth every second. Sometimes I am just reflecting what have I done in my previous life (if I ever had one), so that I am blessed with a pack of wonderful friends? We are not sisters by blood, but sisters by heart. We are soul-sisters, born from Fandom World.