The witty and articulate Ben Barnes

Though this one is very old video, more than one year ago but I found his interview with Jay Leno on 13 May 2008 very amusing. Since I am new fan of Ben Barnes, I need to keep anything about him with me. Just can’t stop laughing. He’s funny, cute, expressive but very confident with himself. Really love to see him here..

source: benbarnessource

The other funny interview was with Jimmy Kimmel. Jimmy was fantastic, he could bring more of Ben during the interview, I fond the part of “pickle” and fall in love when he said “really” when Jimmy said he has Ben’s video singing for Hyrise. Hilarious.

As for Ben, I think he’s so much ready to enter his fame after Prince Caspian. Love him much. *_*

1 thought on “The witty and articulate Ben Barnes

  1. Nicola

    oh yeah in real life he is fantastic lovely beautiful and just out right sexy hes in Australia at the moment filming Voyage of the dawn treader…

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