Tag Archives: Dancing King

My little heart in the world of Han Geng

For more than one year, I was one of the freaking crazy overdosed fan of Ben Barnes (and still until now ^_^), the British actor who played Prince Caspian. But I never imagined that during my admiration to the handsome and multi-talented with heart-winning smile British actor, I found another almost flawless diamond.

Like most of Indonesian (I guess), I started my K-pop idol crush from Super Junior. It was one of my young friend who introduced me to them. I was totally into their songs and dance. Though I barely remember the process, but I can tell that after watching Exploring Human Body (Korean Variaty Shows with Super Junior as their guest star), the sweetest boy in the group really caught my heart. Hankyung. Not because he was the drop-dead gorgeous type, but he caught my heart with his charming and witty attitude. And yes, his soft voice and giggling laughter were the other things that caught my attention.

I couldn’t stop myself from browsing the internet to find more about him. I tortured my internet connection by downloading loads of his performance videos, then torturing my eyes to watched them over and over again. Yes, he has the adorable and endearing personality, he’s cute and witty. He made every events and variety shows he attended worth-watching (I think even Kang Ho Dong loves him a lot ^_^). Yes, he has the greatest dancing ability. His sexy dance left me nosebleed all the time but his traditional dancing skills grow more of my love for him. Not to forget about his acting skill. His acting in Timeless and the day he pranked Patty Hou were proofs to his acting skills. (I will talk about his voice later :p)

But above all that, he has the quality that I adore the most, the shy yet heart-warming smile that bright my days everytime I saw it.

Han Geng,Asian Dancing King,Chinese pop singer

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010 was D-day. The day when I found the video of “Wings of Love” It was the first time I heard him singing fully solo. What can I say? I was not one of those young girls who screaming for him because of his sexiness (though I agree, Han Geng brings the sexy back :p) or because of his handsomeness. I am just a simple ordinary woman who admire multi-talents. But his voice.. I don’t know how to explain my feelings about his voice. I off to my bed along with Wings of Love and Betrayal as my lullabies. His voice was the softest and the most soothing one, but when he took the high pitch, he put the whole power on it. Surprisingly, he also able to sing up-beat songs. Everytime he sings, he put soul to the song. He’s singing from his heart. He has the voice and skill of a real talented SINGER.

I can’t get more updates lately, because my young friend who introduced me to Super Junior admires Dong Bang Shin Ki & Shinee more than Super Junior, so I just like left alone in the dark side for the past few months, knowing only little-tiny part of his news. But thanks to my crazy browsing period. Though I blurry remember which link I hit when I finally found Because you are Han Geng, and again started torturing my internet connection and my eyes to read everything single story posted there. I love the way all of the authors put their stories. Very friendly and easy to understand, but never lost its essentials. For newbie like me, their blogs, written all in English, was the treasure-chest.

Han Geng is the first Asian star that really caught my eyes and my heart. He has the remarkable multi-talents that makes me support him fully. The more I learned about him, the more assured I was that he SHOULD spread his wings and fly as higher as he can. In my own humble opinion, Han Geng is worth more than just “the only Chinese member of number one Korean pop idol group” He’s worth to become the “One & Only Han Geng”. I will leave the sad memories about his 7 years period in Korea, because those years though it was hard and heart-breaking, formed him to become the stronger Han Geng today. I will only see the days when he started his new life back to mainland China. The days that made me proud of him. I am very proud to watch the videos of his total amazing entertaning performance on his solo concert, last mid July. I am very proud of him for being supportive for many events, especially charity events. I am very proud of him because he, with his powerful influence, has been chosen as the image spokeperson for the “Colourful Volunteers” of Guangzhou Asian Games (this one really beyond my imagination, that he voluntarily signed himself up to this event).

I believe it’s never too late to become Geng’s fan, because he has the multi-talents and strong heart that will make him stays long in this entertainment industry. I am supporting him in my own way. Not the crazy overdosed blind-folded way. Han Geng is the boy who dare to leave his convenient shell to pursue his dream in far away country, alone. The boy who passed many hard moments and cried only in his heart. The boy who has great talent but not able to pull it out to its ultimate. Han Geng is the boy who finally turned into a man and fight for his own liberty. The man who has the voice that can ease and soothe painful heart. The man with kind heart who treats his fans as his friends. The multi talented with heart-winning attitude. The charming & down to earth man with heart-warming smile. The former Chinese member of Super Junior, Hankyung who now becoming the Asian superstar, Han Geng. To him, I give my support.

Han Geng,Asian Dancing King

Han Geng, die dao le bie ren shu. Ni de meng xiang you wo men shou hu. Ai ni de xin yong yuan hui wei ni zhu fu. Wo men de ai shi ni de chi bang..

These writings are what I had in mind and what I see through my heart. My writings is just my point of view, my own analysis.