I almost choke with satisfaction. I sat on the statue of Alice in the Wonderland. This is Kristen’s fave place. I felt the thrill in my heart. I could feel her scent in every single air I breathe. I could feel the scent of my love and my soul
My satisfaction gave me more happiness to have another great pleasure. Ruby Jerins, my sister in Remember me. I like her. She’s cute and funny. But I guess this whole cheerful feeling was not only came from her. I have another reasons. My last week end.
I knew since I left LA, Kristen was uneasy. It was getting worse. Especially when the tabloids started to write anything about my growing relationship with Emilie. I have told Kristen before, everything were pure acting. When the camera stop rolling, I have no intimacy with Emilie. I bet she could understand because she’s an actor too. Pictures could show that Emilie was nice and friendly every time we had breaks. But of course anyone could be friendly. Ruby, Pierce, anyone. Nothing special. Kristen already put the permanent and unbreakable hold to my heart
But I fully understand Kristen’s feelings. I love my valentine so much. I’ve made my commitment. I will meet her anytime I have my free time. I wish she can visit me in NY, but her schedule were tighter than mine. I don’t mind to fly to LA every week end. Because I knew, by doing that, Kristen will see my seriousness.
So when we met last week end. I gave my best to make her see. I told her again, “You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours“. –quote from Eclipse –
When I hugged her, I want her to be comfort in my arms. When she pressed the side of her face tenderly against my chest, I felt her to every core of my nerves, I wanted her to feel the same. When I planted my kiss to her lips, I sent my message. I am hers. No one could claim other than that. I really had a great time. I knew it was not easy to comfort Kristen’s feeling. But for this moment, I strongly believed, Kristen is my sunshine and my angel. I will have my 4 days off this week end. I will meet her again. I will do anything I could do to make her happy. Because just like Edward, Kristen already became my personal brand of heroine. I am addicted to her. But this addict is not a guilty pleasure. This addict is a great pleasure. No guilty feeling to have it
Whatever the true story behind the wide-spread pictures & newest gossip, my writing is just my point of view, my own analysis.
to read the same imaginary line from Kristen’s PoV just read unconditionally & irrevocably in love with Robert
4 days hum…? 😉 Naw you’ll have plenty to write about ;D *wishful*