Like I said in my previous blog, Ben in many ways took my whole attention. I found that I fell for him because he’s different. Though his face was not the sexiest symmetrical shape, but all of its parts resembles perfectly. For me, he’s one of the world-class aristocratic handsome. From tons of his pictures, there are some of his pictures that really hyperventilating and breathtaking. His facial expressions, either in photo shoots or public appearances, could look unbearably handsome, amazingly stunning and irresistibly enchanting.
I also found that he could look perfectly dreamy, otherworldly and totally endearing.
But he could also took a breath from my lungs with a piercing deep-sharp stare came from pair of his almond dark brown eyes.
The brooding Ben, could make me drool and ready to swoon.
I was romance novels reader. Most of the male character in a romance novel, described as extraordinary handsome, calm and mysterious. They could burn your head and could not take them out of your mind. Thanks to Ben, with his aristocratic looks, I can read most of my romance novel with his face in my mind *_^
Even though he could look cute and perfectly dreamy, but his manly captivating expression could make you wishes more than just seeing his pictures.
I could tell myself, it was not a bizarre thing, if I experienced this phenomena of freaking crazy overdosed. it wouldn’t be easy to resist his charm and take his captivating & drop-dead gorgeous face out of imagination.
Ben Barnes could win my attention and probably other women’ devotion, because he is one of the world-class epitome of sexiness.
Though I like Ben very much these days and don’t know how long his spell will bundle me, I know one thing for sure, his looks won’t be enough to keep me as a loyal fan. I still need to find more quality on him. I still need to write about his personality and his acting ability from time to time, because I believe, Ben is not just another pretty face showcasing actor, he’s also amazingly talented.
I write so I can share what I see through my heart, my personal point of view and my own analysis. To see more of irresistible pictures of Ben, you can click the thumbnail of Ben’ Gallery on the right side of this page.
Disclaimer: All photographs used in this blog are belongs to their rightful owners, benbarnesonline, benbarnessource and benbarnesfan
OhMyEdward mom …
this is great… romantic …
u should write a book ….
i’ll wait it ^^