Reasons of my flipping heart

For almost one year I was overdosed by Robert Pattinson. His perfect symmetrical face with the most beautiful blue – grayish eyes successfully captivated my mind and bundled my heart under his spell. But without notice, the amusement faded. It was probably because most of his news were only about how famous he was as Edward Cullen or probably because most of awards given to him were popular awards. I could not see any progress on his acting career. As a 38 years old woman, pretty face would not be enough to make me loyal to an actor. I pulled my self out of anything related to Twilight & Robert Pattinson for almost one month. Until in one ordinary day, without understandable reasons, I picked Prince Caspian and watched it again for the second time.  I couldn’t remember the exact reason why I chose to watch Prince Caspian, but I did remember my reaction when I watch that movie, the actor who played Caspian was extraordinary handsome and his accent was different. (I just found out later that it was Spanish accent =D).

Prince Caspian - S

Within the last few months too, I found my new habit, the unbearable curiosity.  It was the fervent basic of my journey to find more on the actor who played Prince Caspian, the captivating British actor, Ben Barnes, who was infamous in my country, Indonesia. At the beginning of my searching, I found bunch of amusing facts about Ben Barnes that almost similar with Robert Pattinson and enjoying my time to write blogs about them. I spent almost full of 3 days & nights to wrote 10 blogs. One of the craziest time in my life I guess ^_^

I was harvesting complaints from my friends over my flipping heart. One even commented that I was not loyal *_^  Well, don’t care much actually since for me loyalty only belongs to my faith and to my marriage, not to anything else including actors. So I continued my new passion, Ben Barnes.

It was not easy to follow Ben. I could find tonnes of his pictures, but I have to admit that Ben doesn’t have lots of thing to write about. He’s not fame hungry, barely has interviews, not “out there” getting media attention.  But the more I look at his pictures, the more of my curiosity was getting bolder. I am not on the stage of freaking crazy overdose stage (thank GOD for that), I am just OVERDOSE 😀 Therefore, I must write my reasons about flipping my heart to the strikingly – handsome – but – look – younger – than – his – age, Benjamin Thomas Barnes.

These are some of the the reasons of my flipping heart.

Even though he doesn’t look like the most wanted bad boy type and doesn’t have the perfect symmetrical jaw line with aristocrat-straight nose but he’s totally handsome.

th Prince

And of course, he has the remarkable cleft chin which makes him even more alluring

th Prince

Usually, most of British actors have a pair of beautiful blue or green eyes. But Ben, he captivated my heart because his eyes were different. He has a pair of the darkest eyes which some people called as “demon eyes” (in some ways, I could agree with that). But his eyes are special and unbearable enchanting. His eyes could pierce your brain and stop your heart beating.

th Prince

I like guys with long & slender fingers. Probably, it was the distinguish quality of tall guy. Adding more fuel to my passion, Ben also has it. Not only having the long & slender pianist fingers, he himself also able to play piano. Well, again, I like guys who can play music instruments. Ben could play piano and drums. It was remarkably interesting. An opposite to each other. One is instrument of melody and the other one is instrument of rhythmic. That fact makes him more adorable ^_^

th Prince

Ben has a dark brown straight hair. He has to grew it longer because he still in the production of the third film of Narnia,  The Voyage of the Dawn Treader where he took the role of King Caspian.  Do I mind with his long hair? Nope. He could cut his hair or let it grow, he still dazzles me.

th Prince

What could be more interesting than to see a guy with great smile and beard tied his hair?  Attractive object for my eyes and mind.

th Prince

I like tall guys. They caught my eyes easily.  And I think I have good taste on guys 😀 because Ben has the tall and athletic lean 6’.1” build, makes him looks good in any outfit.

th Prince

I love to see his laughing pictures.  His laugh reaches his eyes. It makes the whole expressions are pure, fresh and lovable.

th Prince

The most captivating of his appearance is his sexy contagious smile. It was very rare to see him without his smile. His smile completes his polite demeanor and makes him very endearing.

th Prince

It was not enough to put only three pictures of his brilliant smile, but it would need more place to capture all of it. So, I dedicated one separate page for his heart-winning-brilliant-sexy-contagious smile ^_^

These are what I had in mind when I looked at his pictures. I write so I can share what I see through my heart, my personal point of view and my own analysis. To see pictures in bigger size or more pictures of Ben, you can visit Ben’ Gallery on the right side of this page.

Disclaimer: All photographs used in this blog are belongs to their rightful owners, benbarnesonline, benbarnessource and benbarnesfan

23 thoughts on “Reasons of my flipping heart

  1. elfgirl

    Oh Toebildonk, you love ben boy? So do we all. Blegh to RPATZ Long live Prince Ben of Barnia…


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