Tag Archives: Prince Caspian

Ben Barnes, in the world of Dorian Gray

I am no classic novel reader, the only classics I ever finished was Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. So the name of Oscar Wilde and his book, the Picture of Dorian Gray was out of my head. Only because I was freaking crazy overdosed by the British blood actor, Ben Barnes, who caught not only my eyes but also my heart since I first saw him in Prince Caspian, I acknowledged the phenomenal story.

The novel was intriguing, shocking story to the society when it first released. But over the Century, it became very interesting, especially for the film makers to bring the story about timeless narcissist to the silver screen. The Picture of Dorian Gray was probably one of the classic stories which has many movie adaptations. I never watched the other adaptations, but when 2010 version started to hit the big screen my obsession to Ben Barnes, made me wanting to watch it.

I read the novel after I watched the movie zillion times. I read many negative reviews, especially from those who already read the novel before. In one hand, I was glad that I watched the movie before I read the novel, because if I read the it first, I am positively sure, that I won’t watch the movie. The book was more psychologically horrid than what visually shown in the movie (though it was rated R) :D. But on the other hand, I have to admit, upon my admiration to Ben Barnes, the movie was lacking the essential of the story. So to those who never read the book or even heard about Oscar Wilde, watching 2010 Dorian Gray will send them into blank spot. Letting them bewildered. It will only becoming the gothic-horror- easy-to-forget-hedonism-pleasure-seeking movie.

Though in the book, Dorian Gray was described as golden haired and blue eyed ultimate handsome young man, but no one can deny that, the tall and aristocratic looking of Ben Barnes exudes an almost supra-natural beauty and made him the perfect choice for that role. Added by his ability to captured most of the emotions, he was convincing as Dorian Gray. As for me, his acting made the movie bearable to watched.

But the reason I write this blog was more than just my admiration to the British heartthrob upon his role as Dorian Gray. The reason was the background of his decision in taking the tantalizing role of Dorian Gray.

Ben Barnes,Dorian Gray,Prince Caspian

Ben Barnes read the book since his was teen and still thinking that Dorian Gray was the greatest story ever told. As to the world of celebrity-obsessed, youth-obsessed culture, “ Dorian Gray telling Wilde’s morality tale about eternal youth, ageless beauty, self-indulgent, pleasure seeking and the pitfall you might fall into, if you pursued them so relentlessly”. He fully understood that being cast as Dorian Gray is like being told that he is the ultimate in beauty and with his gorgeous look, he could be trapped in the world of celebrity obessed, just like Dorian Gray. But from his growing fame as an actor, he also learned that Dorian Gray was close to his world. He decided to take the role because “Wilde’s story is still extremely relevant. It really proves how little we’ve learned I think. We put so much emphasis on aesthetics and the power of staying young and all this botox crap. It’s nonsense

The movie might be disappointing, the script might be lame and lack of essential, but I would still send my thank you to the actor who played the title character, because of his deep understanding, he was able to deliver the strong message about the story, “Wilde’s novel is quite able to explain what one shouldn’t do to be happy – one should quit paying much attention to appearance

Living in the modern era of Dorian Gray world, Ben Barnes on his ultimate youth and beauty, refused to follow the rule by emphasizing his opinion, “We live in a society obsessed by youth and beauty, but I’d like to be something more than just a pretty face“. Because “The fixation on fame and appearance damage the personality, I don’t want to stay young forever”

I write to share what I see through my heart, my personal point of view and my own analysis.

Related posts:
Perfect choice for Dorian Gray
Aristocratic Handsome with Strong Personality
Another Pretty Face or Real Talent

Prince Caspian, a dream come true.

Ben Barnes was a massive fan of Narnia books. He still can’t believe that he’s playing the main character from one of his favorite childhood tales. “I found my original copy that I had in 1989, so I know that I read the stories when I was 8 years old because the book had my writing on the front. There was a little sticker with a picture of a bear and I had written “I can’t BEAR to be without my book. The book belongs to Benjamin Barnes” with eight year old hand writing”. He found out that he got the role of Prince Caspian about 3 AM and He was running around the house and screaming. “It was just one of those life-changing moment” he said. “My mom and dad are quite cool. When I told them I got the part, they weren’t screaming or anything. But I was”.

the Prince

Becoming the lead role in the blockbuster movie adaptation of the Narnia sequel, Prince Caspian, propelled him to stardom. As down-to-earth actor, he might say “I honestly don’t know what they saw in me during auditions, I think it was probably a case of “we have to make this film” So who ever walks in the door next, we’ll pick him” Or he might say that his foreign looks was the reason, but the truth was more than that.

If it was only looks Andrew Adamson, the director of Prince Caspian was going for, it would be taken him less than 13 months traveling from Argentina, Italy, France, Spain and England to find the right person to fill the role of piratical Telmarines prince. “Well, I am sure you’ve seen his charm,” the director said. “He understood Prince Caspian. He had a love of the book and the character. He so wanted to do it and he just kind of sold me on him I guess. He has got a very youthful exuberance and he loves horse riding, sword playing and all that kind of stuff. He’s been great”.

It also helped that he was good with accents, so he was able to nail the Iberian accent very well. Later Andrew also said that there was a line that everyone else had one way, but which Ben said differently. Ben had emphasized a certain words that nobody else had done. During some interviews, it was confirmed several times that his Spanish accent was convincing and flawless.

“Ben flew to Los Angeles straight after a Saturday performance (the History Boys) and it was pretty clear right away that we had found our man, said Mark Johnson, the producer. “Ben is like a movie star in the old tradition. He’s tremendously good looking (agreed to that ^_^) and has a real intensity and charisma about him”. Wendy Rogers, the special effect supervisor, been charmed by Ben’s charisma said, “He’s such a nice guy and he’s very cute obviously (I still not sure that cute was the right word to describe Ben). He looks terrific on film. I love his delivery in some other lines. He has this kind of sense of humor under the surface that I find really endearing”

And above all that was of course, the smooth entrance to the tight-bounded Pevensies. He connects really well with them. William Moseley said that Ben has been great & a real laugh. “I am happy they chose him. He is sort of on Pevensie wave length and fits right in”. Skandar Keynes called him the “fifth Pevensie”. Anna Popplewell thinks that they were really anxious about meeting Prince Caspian and Geogie Henley confirmed that they were all worried that they wouldn’t like Prince Caspian, but after meeting Ben she said, “we love him. We all thinks he’s wonderful”

Though his mother still can’t hear the word ‘Ben’ and ‘horse’ in the same sentence without getting the giggles, he showed us that he’s the high-skilled Telmarine prince Caspian who was able to swim horses through rivers, slalom through pillars and mastering the sword fighting, speaks Iberian accent and delivered the role of vulnerable and naïve young prince convincingly. Ben Barnes, with his strong personality and talents, has proved that Andrew’s choice of making him the leading role for Prince Caspian was absolutely perfect.

related post:
Ben Barnes, another pretty face or real talent?

I write so I can share what I see through my heart, my personal point of view and my own analysis.

Disclaimer: All photographs used in this blog are belongs to their rightful owners, benbarnesonline, benbarnessource and benbarnesfan

No copyright infringement intended.

Ben Barnes: from leafy Wimbledon to the hall of fame

I am very firm about the reasons of my flipping heart. But I also must be sure that my crazy overdose phenomena on Ben Barnes was not only because he was irresistible. Is he just only one other pretty faces showcasing guy or is there a real talent came along with the package?

First, try to imagine this. You see a picture of a male, blessed with an aristocrat face, remarkable cleft chin, sharp cheekbones – you could cut a loaf of bread with – a straight nose, a pair of big & piercing dark brown eyes, thin lips to hide a set of dazzlingly white, perfectly straight teeth, which he flashes frequently in a smile that could lift your heart and charm women around the globe. As additional to those, he had flocks of flowing chestnut hair that can make him a model of Herbal Essences adverts. According to my personal opinion, Ben Barnes, born in leafy South – West London on 20 August 1981 could be crowned as one of the most strikingly handsome looking male in the universe. Even the gossip-hound, Perez Hilton, was itchy to put his face on his site =p

Strikingly handsome (M)

So, what is he doing in Hollywood? This is what I think about his journey to become an actor.

Ben decided to go into acting at age 17, but his psychotherapist mother and psychiatric professor father, asked him to go to University first, which he did. He graduated from Kingston University where he studied English & drama specializing in Children’s literature in 2004. Well-prepared, self assure and ready to do his dream job, acting.

Ben found his fame hard to believe, but never call him an overnight success. He will get irritated. “I’ve been working quite hard at this now for 10 years” He was a choir boy, who has to quit the choir after his voice broke at age of 15. Joined the National Youth Music Theater for 6 years. Appeared for the first time at age 16 in the West End, Bugsy Malone, directed several productions while he’s in the University, did Sinatra tribute concerts and funky Stevie Wonder stuff. Though he found it was embarrassing, but he experienced being a member of a group called Hyrise, performed one song for the Eurovision song competition in 2004.

I can understand if he got irritated when people said his fame now is like winning a lottery. He’s truly working hard before he finally made his first film debut in Matthew Vaughn’s Stardust in 2007 as young Dunstan.

Well, I watched Stardust, realized later that it was Ben Barnes who played young Dunstan. He was cute there but Robert de Niro (and Charlie Cox and Claire Danes of course) caught my attention more than him ^_^

In the same year, he won the audition for the cocky-straight student role, Dakin in Allan Bennet’s play, the History Boys at West End, London.

During his break, he took a chance to played Russian thugs in indie movies, Bigga than Ben, which I found very amusing. His Russian accent was almost perfect and his expression as Cobakka was unbelievably very fun to watch.

I think his acting as Dakin was great, because the casting agent of Prince Caspian spotted him, and finally invited him to go for an audition of Prince Caspian. After sending his audio taped line, read only one line in different way, Andrew Adamson finally found his “Prince” Without delay, he was moved from the History Boys stage to the boot camp where he took six hours a day to learn horse riding, wield a sword and language coaching.

I watched Prince Caspian 5 times (I can’t believe myself watching it more than twice, it must be crazy overdose phenomena). He’s unbelievably handsome (who could tell he’s already 26 that time) and almost perfect as a knight. His horse riding ability and sword fighting were convincing and his Spanish accent was almost flawless. While the movie itself was really worth-watching, a perfect reason to watch the movie more than twice ^_* Prince Caspian brought Mr. Barnes into stardom. Not only made him famous all over the world, but the fame brought him more offers to play in various movies.

Stephan Elliot gave him the role of a charming drip mama’s boy John Whittaker in Noel Coward’s movie adaptation, Easy Virtue. I have watched it, it was funny though a bit irritating to see him weak in personality. The thing that made me like him more is his soulful pop baritone voice. Listening to his voice singing A room with a view really melts my heart.

His matinee idol looks and his utterly charming attitude, brought interest to Barnaby Thompson, the producer of Dorian Gray, a movie adaptation from Oscar Wild’s novel. He saw Ben’s expression – during Easy Virtue filming breaks – switched in a moment. His brown eyed charm imperceptibly turning to something blacker, something deadly. “It was the Dorian Gray journey in a single look”, said Thompson. He sent Ben to Oliver Parker, the director, who was at the beginning, worry about the the acting ability of the good looking actor, but later approved Ben to lead his movie as the timeless narcissist Dorian Gray.

To his relief, he also got a chance to swaps his novel stereotype roles to an ordinary role in US thriller, Locked In. He could use his gray jumper and jeans, which made a nice change for him to play Josh Sawyer, a father who’s has kid too young and put inadvertently his young daughter into coma. He speaks American accents. It was thrilling, to see him tortured by his daughter’s condition.

And of course the continued role as Caspian. For the third installment of the Chronicles of Narnia, he is in production of the Voyage of Dawn Treader. He would playing the older and self-assured King Caspian, with ong hairmustache & beard, whe looks more irresistible *_^

Though it’s only 8 movies from 2007 – 2009. But the various roles gave him the opportunity to expand his acting ability. From naive young boy to Russian scum. From a young prince to the self-assured king. From mama’s boy to narcissist corrupt and a tortured father.

Not to forget his newest enrollment to Killing Bono, a movie based on Neil McCormick’s novel, “I am Bono’s doppelganger. He would play Neil McCormick (hope to see him singing there ^_^).

To this stage, Ben’ choices indicate that quality stories are a top priority for him as an actor, rather than taking the easier route of doing work that cashes in “flavor of the month” trends. He’s almost perfect, with a very good looks, versatile acting, with accent as his forte and great vocal, quoted from Collin Firth, Ben Barnes is shaping up to be a rather formidable actor.

I write so I can share what I see through my heart, my personal point of view and my own analysis. To see pictures in bigger size, you can click the thumbnail of Ben’ Gallery under Valuable Friends.

Disclaimer: All photographs used in this blog are belongs to their rightful owners, benbarnesonline, benbarnessource and benbarnesfan