Because I support Han Geng with my own style…

When I first followed Han Geng, the site called “forhangeng” was my first source to find more information before I finally joined Geng-Bao.Net. After I joined the forum, and contribute actively, though not regularly as before, I still visit forhangeng, because I like the way the authors shared their perspectives about anything related to Han Geng 🙂

I remembered it was an ordinary day when I read the post about one Indonesian Gengfans, which interesting and tingled my thought a little bit,

“Here is one very devoted and determined Gengfan who traveled all the way from her hometown of Mataram, Indonesia to Hong Kong…Not only determined but also a very lone Gengfan in that part of the world.. Prior to the Fan-meeting in HK, she had been to Singapore and Thailand for those two fan-meetings.. From Singapore, she followed HG to Bangkok, Thailand.”

From the day I read the post, I couldn’t stop asking myself the same question. What is actually devoted and determined Gengfans?

I kept thinking about the other Gengfans who’s spent their days and nights to create many things or arranged many events to show their love and support for Han Geng. The Thai Gengfans, who’s praying in 9 temples for Han Geng and done the charities for nursery orphanage including serving lunch for them, long before Han Geng comes to Thailand. Those Gengfans who held Let Love Fly for 3 years in the row. Have we ever knew, that probably some of them donated from their savings? Sacrificed their other pleasures so they will have enough money to donate? I believe, those Gengfans were doing charities, not to make Han Geng proud or to get worldwide attention. I believe they did all the charities because they want to share their love to others, because Han Geng inspired them to do so.

I am also thinking about those who dedicated their times to manage an international fansite to make sure that the international Gengfans would have updates and reliable information about Han Geng. Those who spent their time to made the Geng-Bao.Net’s Birthday Project Video for Han Geng. Or those who joined the video. Some of them were camera shy, never let their faces shown to the outside world. But they eager not only showing their faces but also singing one line from Wings of Love. They dare themselves to do one action, that for those who don’t understand, considered as stupid and silly. Or those who never publicized, but has done lots of things for their surroundings, because Han Geng inspired them to do things out of their convenient shells?

When I wrote this blog, I tried to figure out what is actually the devoted & determined Gengfans?

Was doing charities without publication and silently praying for Han Geng, could be counted as part of being devoted & determined Gengfans?

Is doing translations, subbings, sharing more information in English or other languages for International fans can not be counted as being devoted & determined Gengfans?

Was writing one song from the heart to support Han Geng can’t be counted as devoted & determined Gengfans?

Was forming a human barrier at the airport to make sure that Han Geng is save can’t be counted as devoted & determined Gengfans?

Was saving pocket money to can buy his original album, his concept book or ticket to his concert can’t be counted either?

Was holding oneself from bothering Han Geng during his holiday can’t be counted as devoted & determined Gengfans?

Do I need to travel from my remote area across all the continents to meet him first, before I can be called an devoted & determined Gengfans?

Do I need to have pictures showing me together with Han Geng, before I can be called devoted & determined Gengfans?

If I don’t have enough money to do traveling or I chose to use my money to do more important things because of my responsibilities, then I can’t be called a devoted & determined Gengfans?

Do I need the whole world to know my love and support for Han Geng first, before I can be called a devoted & determined Gengfans?

Can’t I just silently love and support him from my remote place, without any publications, without traveling around the world to meet him, without no one knows that I am exist and still can be called devoted & determined Gengfan?

At the end of my writing, I got my personal answer. I know I can, because I am the part of Han Geng’s Wings of Love. I know I can, because the purpose of the Wings of Love is to make Han Geng stronger, so he can fly higher to reach his ultimate goal.

As the one devoted & determined Gengfan, I want to be one feather on Han Geng’s Wings of Love. Unseen, but along with the other feathers, I can create wider and stronger Wings of Love for Han Geng. All feathers on Han Geng’s Wings of Love are precious; none is more precious than the others. None of the feathers should get more attention than the others.

As the true & devoted Gengfan, I don’t need to be the inspirational glorious feather on Han Geng’s Wings of Love, just the simple but strong one. Because all I want is to support him with my whole heart as long as I can.


The reason I wrote this blog was because I am standing on the other side of the moon. I viewed and experienced different face of the moon. Different from the others who view the moon from opposite side.

I wrote this blog, so I can share what I see through my heart, my personal point of view and my own analysis.

Disclaimer:All pictures used in this blog are belongs to their rightful owners, No copyright infringement intended.

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