The effect of Physical Appearance

Han Geng, the new famous Chinese male singer, being famous because of his multi-talents and strong personality. But it doesnt’ mean that his physical appearance can not win anything. Others may not agree with my opinions and I don’t mind 😀 because I also admitted with my logic, without all the attributes of a superstar and multi-talents, Han Geng was only an ordinary Chinese guy. Good looking for those who admire him, but nothing for those who don’t know him.

Take a closer look to his face. It’s not the perfect one. Even the beautiful straight nose that made him look different from other Chinese guy was not the real straight one. It was a bit at an angle, but it made me confident to say, that his nose was real, no plastic surgery scissor ever touched it :p But still, Han Geng was not a type of drop-dead gorgeous man with perfect chiseled jaw-line. From a side, he even look a bit chubby. Nothing really make him breath-taking.


So, what effect could be done by his physical appearance? I have to emphasize, that I am writing this blog during my fandom period, so these all pure my personal opinion, how Han Geng’s physical appearance effect my head as well as my heart :p

Let’s start from his hair. I have to admit that his hair was the most ordinary type of hair. Nothing special. But when the creative fingers of his hair stylist work on it, the most ordinary type of hair able to send special effect to my eyes, startlingly captivated.


He has many hair styles since his first debut, but my favorite were the “manga” style and the “Little White Dragon” style. Not many man can really look good in the color of platinum blond on his head ^_^ but in my eyes, Han Geng were perfectly beautiful with that color. (I will miss this platinum blond head, since Han Geng firmly said that he won’t dyed his hair anymore..)


A little bit down to his eyes. His eyes was a pair of warm and enchanting dark brown almond eyes, surrounded with smooth feline eyelashes. They were created to send you various feelings, hyperventilated, dazzled, enchanted.


Han Geng’s eyes speak for his heart. His eyes deepen the expressions he had on his face. He can look cute, attentive, curious, friendly or even fierce.


Talking about his eyes, will make me talk about his gaze. Though his eyes were warm and enchanting, and his gaze along with the 8-perfect-teeth smile can cheer you up and his curious gaze can make you laugh, but his pierce gaze would be enough to take a breath from your lungs, and made you hyperventilated. Need more Hanoxygent and Gengair?


The one part of his face that I can’t stop admire was his nose. The rare almost perfect aristocratic straight nose, which made the whole of his face beautiful. No other effect. Only admiration.


His lips. The Han Geng lips was thin and created to cover a set of dazzlingly white, perfectly straight teeth to flashes frequently in a smile. His lips produce a smiles which always reach his eyes and make his whole expressions pure, fresh and lovable.


As Chinese singer and actor who specialized in dancing, Han Geng used to have trainings and workouts. As the result, he has a little muscular lean torso.


The other part that really caught my eyes was his legs. A pair of long legs that made him the top candidate to enter the Dancing University since his very young age. Hidden sexiness.


The combination of both parts, little muscular lean torso and beautiful long legs was a perfect build that made any outfits look good on him. From the casual to formal outfits, his taste in fashion always made me captivated.



and of course, since his forte was dancing, and he was crowned as the new Asia Dancing King, his perfect flexible build made his dancing even more tantalizing. The object of embarrassing drool..

Han Geng,Asia Dancing King,Chinese Pop Singer,Chinese Actor

This build perfectly accompany his feline handsome face. Along with his confident, a superstar and hospitable gesture, he always made the the runaway entrance worth waiting.


Last but not least, a man with long – lean fingers always attract my eyes. Long fingers make the hands look alluring. Probably it was something attach to tall guys. Without doubt, the other part of Han Geng’s physical appearance was his long-lean fingers.


With the fangirl spirit in my heart, I can’t avoid that his physical appearance add more fuel to my crazy obsession and made me enchanted, dazzled, hyperventilated, captivated and startlingly delighted , but as a mature fan, I believe that my admiration to this Chinese male, is more than just physical appearance. I admire him with my full heart because he’s one of the exceptionals.

Disclaimer: All photographs used in this blog belongs to their rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended.

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