Sometimes it was not easy to deal with the situation. Even though he already emphasized that my hold is permanent and unbreakable. But it still very hard for me. I didn’t understand the reason. Probably because Rob gave me more than I ever expected.
Reading many gossips about how close he’s to Emilie made me tortured. The more I think about him the greater my fear of loosing him. Robert knew it. So he made his commitment. Each time he’s free, he will come to meet me. His commitment gave me more fear. What will happen to me if he left me for other woman. I knew, my nervousness made him sad. But Robert is a great guy. He made me love him more everyday. He even told me his experience with Emilie during the kissing scene.
So when we met last week end, with his patience, he kept trying to ease my tortured feeling. When he hugged me, he made sure that I was comfort in his arm and I could feel his warmness to every core of my nerves. when he planted his kiss, he send his message. He’s mine. No one could claim other than that.
I was grateful for his kindness, his patience and his strong love for me. Deep inside my heart I knew that Robert is my castle and my sky.
Even though it was very hard, but I can’t fight anymore. His distinctive qualities knocked me very hard. I will do anything I could do to keep him. Because I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. – quote from Twilight
Whatever the true story behind the wide-spread pictures & newest gossip, my writing is just my point of view, my own analysis.
read Kristen, my personal brand of heroine for the same imaginary line from Robert’s PoV.
mooom, everytime i read your imaginary writing, make me pretend stories that you write is truee.
keep writing mom!! 🙂 and lemme know
yeah, this is much better with all the HOT links -they ARE ‘hot’- *grins*
nice blog San, bravo!
mom,your imaginary so perfect…
keep writing mom…