Sometimes, being mature is like having two sides of a coin. On one side, you can have more wisdom that make you able to see things better than when you’re young but on the other side, it makes you let go simple things, like fandom, without a second thought.
I remember the first day I started my fandom 3 years ago. It was the hype of Twilight movie that catapulted Robert Pattinson into stardom in one night. By that time, I realized the other side of myself. Obsession made me able to do things out of my habits. There were days, when I didn’t get enough sleep because I was doing too much research on him. But thanks to my mature mind, though I was obsessed, my logic still knew very well the reason, that I ONLY follow a star with multi-talents and distinctive personality. A star who can produce admirable projects. When the amusement fades, my entire obsession washed away. It was a month after my 2009 birthday, when suddenly I lost my RPatzz Obsessive Disorder, for only one reason, he received too many popular awards. Though harvesting complaints, I left everything behind. I couldn’t find anything else to bring my obsession back, neither his talent nor his personality. It just gone with the wind.
Fandom is not like a faith. It can come and go at anytime. I realized that I am a little bit allergic to popular awards. In my opinion, popular award is necessary for someone who started their career, because it will show how much support and acknowledgement one can get. Popularity is the life and dead of a celebrity. They need to stay on top to be able to continue with their career. But, too much popular awards can blur the real talents. One will never know which really made them on top of the popularity, their strong fan base support or their real talent.
Since October last year, I found my new interest, one multi-talented Chinese male singer, Han Geng. Like my other experience, I started my new fandom with a very excited feeling to dig deeper about him. First obstacle? Language of course 😀 but it didn’t stop me from searching, because there were already sites that provide information about Han Geng in English to accommodate my usual habit, spent nights and days to catch up. I experienced many things, done projects I never imagined before and joined the beautiful circle of friendship with another Gengfans.
Han Geng, since the first day he decided to have his solo career, skyrocketed to unbelievable level of popularity. His hard works for many years started to acknowledged and appreciated. Han Geng wiped many music events like a cyclone with his outstanding performance and received more awards in a lightning speed. I lost count on how many popular awards he received within 2010 to early 2011. On one hand, I was so proud of him, but on the other hand, suddenly I was hit by one reality. It was like deja vu. I am entering another too popular period of a star, even less than 6 months. Will I let this fandom goes just like before? The one question that haunted my mind for many days, how long Han Geng can stay famous on this industry? Is it only because he has a very strong fan base that would give whole heart support to make him win any polls? Or will he stay famous without any support because his real talent can make him strong?
I have to admit, there were days, when I really lost my passion. I saw his pictures blankly and watched his videos with no taste. But my heart had experienced something different from my other fandom. My Geng fandom is no longer obsession. My Geng fandom has changed from obsessive disorder to an admiration and respect. I recalled my memories to Spring Gala Festival Interview on February this year. He was totally handsome during the interview, but I had one moment that plastered into my mind, a short dialogue between 04:38 – 04:45
Han Geng: “Yes, I should work harder and I hope that I can attend the Spring Festival Gala again next year”.
Male interviewer: “You need to use more power from the Gengfans” < -- I felt like slapping his face actually X-(
Han Geng: "No, I still need to work hard and rely more on myself"
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage – Lao Tzu –
Han Geng knows his strength
Only time can prove whether or not I’m a real quality singer. If let’s say there is someone powerful that’s backing me up, then that someone will naturally be my ‘Gengfans’ Without them giving me strength, I would not be able to continue down this path
But Han Geng also loves his fans deeply and knows that only hard work can make him stand strong and able to give out the best of him to gain more respects
I hope that everyone would respect each other in work.
My concert, my album, my hard work is all for those who have been supporting me.
Even if that there is only just 1 audience left at the stand… I will still give my all on the stage. I am very sincere towards every one, I respect every show I attended.
So, I hope that I will receive the same degree of respect.
It’s not necessary for me to try to find reason to bring back my passion, because the reasons are all there. How can I withdraw myself from someone who had rocked my little world with his heart-warming smile and amazing dancing talent? How can I withdraw myself from someone who’s been working very hard in the past and proved that he deserved all the attention? How can I withdraw myself from someone with his humbleness and sincerity, put his fans as equal as his family? I know that I can not withdraw myself from someone who says what he does and does what he says. Han Geng is exceptional. He’s more than just a pretty boy with angelic face with devilish figure.
From his last two performances during [V] Channel Music Awards and China Mobile Beijing Concert he proved his words of hard works and showed his improvement. All the awards are to appreciate his hard works and real talent. He has conquered his homeland, but he still needs to work harder to gain international acknowledgment and respect.
When Han Geng’s popularity goes very high, I know where my heart should go. It should go to its place, Han Geng’s Wings of Love, sealed as one of the simple but strong feather, to support him reaching his ultimate goal, going international.
I write so I can share what I see through my heart, my personal point of view and my own analysis.
Disclaimer: All pictures used in this blog are belongs to their rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended.