Tag Archives: Kristen

How could I live without the love of my life

I couldn’t believe my eyes. The article was so irritating. How could they write some craps that totally untrue like that. Rob asked my ex to stay away from me? I felt a very strong eager to shout back to them. It was not the true story.


How could Robert ask my ex to stay away from me, if I was the one who finally found my comfort when I laid my cheek on his shoulder and I was the one who laughed from my heart, but not realized that I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. How could Robert ask my ex to stay away from me, if I was the one who’s being so stubborn but at the same time could not stay away from him.


How could Robert ask my ex to stay away, if he’s the one who’s being noble and gave lots of space for me to think about my relationship with Michael. The one who’s really understood my tortured situation 2 years ago. Torn between my long-time friendship with Michael and my growing feelings for Robert. He’s the one who decided to release me and gave me time to considering my decision. Who gave me the statement “I can be noble, Kristen. I’m not going to make you choose between us. Just be happy, and you can have whatever part of me you want, or none at all, if that’s better. Don’t let any debt you feel you owe me influence your decision” – quote from Eclipse – Even though he knew that decision broke his heart.


It was me, with all my senses, turned Michael’s marriage proposal because I knew I would make both of me & Michael miserable if I accepted his proposal. It was me, who finally understood, “If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger”. – quote from New Moon –

I was the one who realized and knew exactly what Bella means. Soul mate was not someone that I can live with, but someone that I can’t live without. I knew who I can’t live without. I could not live without his beautiful soulful eyes, who never fail to see me through. I could not live without his thoughtful smile. I could not live without him, without the half that made whole. I could not live without Robert.

I was still irritated. But I knew. They just didn’t know what exactly happen. They just didn’t know. Robert would never ask my ex to stay away. Because I was the one who decided, that I could not live without the love of my life.

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His arm is my castle, his heart is my sky
Unconditionally & irrevocable in love to Robert
The love I found in Robert

These are what I have in mind when I look at the pictures. Whatever the true story behind the wide-spread pictures & newest gossip, within the next few days and months, my writings is just my point of view, my own analysis.

Disclaimer: All photographs and manips used in this blog are belongs to rightful owners.

For me, you are my world

Just like Bella, ”I don’t trust myself to be… enough. To deserve Robert. There’s nothing about me that could hold him“. – quote from New Moon –


But the more I spent my time with him, I also realized it’s getting hard to stay away from him. His absence was the most torturing moment for me. Robert was ready to announce our relationship. He was so much ready since we were back from Italy. But I was not confident with his idea.

After Italy, I found out. You learn to love someone, when you find out what makes them laugh. But you can never love someone, until you find out what makes them cry. Robert was no ordinary guy. He has distinctive qualities. He had done many things to made sure that my hold on his heart was permanent & unbreakable. Robert not just found out what makes me laugh, but he also knew what makes me cry. I do certain, he loves me. My growing confident made me comfortable to show publicly, that he’s mine.


I remembered, days before, at Chateau Marmont, having his arm around my body, putting my cheek on his chest, felt the closeness with an affable chap I was crazy about, I told him. “My heart feels like my chest can barely contain it. Like it doesn’t belong to me anymore. It belongs to you. And if you wanted it, I’d wish for nothing in exchange. Just your heart in exchange for mine” – quoted from Stardust (movie) –

He said nothing. I felt his breath on my hair. Slowly, he pulled me, brought me closer to his face. “you knew how I feel about you Kristen. You knew how I feel about us. I am ready to show it. But I will wait until you have a same decision with me”. ” I just want you to be happy. It was my priority”. Robert was a man of commitment. I knew, I must made my decision. And it was at King Leon’s concert.

He asked me to sit near him during the King Leon’s concert. I agreed. I was confident and certain. We were just enjoying the concert, until he pulled my hand and folded it into his arm and brought it close to his chest. He said nothing. But within his warmth, I knew, it was my time. I turned my face and whispered, “Rob, I am ready”. He was stunned. “ready for what love?”. I pulled myself closer and brought my lips to his ear “to follow your commitment”. I knew he was waiting for that. He knew what I asked from him. He just made sure that I was ready. That moment, I felt a woosh of happiness. I love him. And trying to describe it was like trying to describe the color of air. Impossible.

With my hand still in his, he pulled me closer, bent down and started to kissed me. My heart was rejoicing. His lips brought satisfaction to mine. He smelled tobacco and beer. My Robert. I dragged my body higher, so I could match his deepening kiss.


I knew, our action were caught by many eyes and cameras. But I didn’t care anymore. My true love was right in front of me. Kissing me in public. We have nothing to hide. To the world, Robert is only one person. But for me Robert is my world.

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KStew could fall in love to distinctive qualities of RPatzz
the permanent & unbreakable hold to my heart
kissing my angel in public

I could not tell that they were really kissing. The picture was not clear. But in my imagination, they were kissing :D. Whatever the true story behind the wide-spread pictures & newest gossip, my writings is just my point of view, my own analysis.

Disclaimer: All photographs and manips used in this blog are belongs to rightful owners.

Leaving my heart to Kristen

I was at LAX. Ready for departing to New York. One hundred percent aware. The photographers and paparazzi were around everywhere, but strangely, it bothered me not.


My head was still memorizing my sweetest moments with Kristen the day before.


I still dazzled by her beautiful looks. Her glowing face melted my heart. And knowing that she glowed because
of me, gave more happiness in my heart. More than ever.


I loved to see her walking beside me on MTV catwalk, the short dress and sneakers. Rare combination but extremely beautiful. I just couldn’t take my eyes over her. And for the unknown reason, I loved her crumpled hair the most. She’s really my girl.


I memorized our MTV moments, the out-of-MTV kissing tradition. She was teasing me. I don’t mind. I agreed with her, no personal kiss should be shared to the audience’s eyes. They had seen enough of our kissing chemistry. But I was enjoying my moment to stood close to her. To my Bella. My Kristen.


I didn’t have much time with her in Italy. So I insisted to have some private time with her before I leave LA.
I only have one free night after the MMA. We’ve made our agreement. We agreed to skip the MMA after party. The thoughts of having private time with her was really tickles. Posing for the photographer were not easy. I felt the rush in my heart. Really need private time with Kristen.


I knew I should be grateful. I was able to had a private dinner with Kristen at Cecconi. Only the two of us and it was great. But after spending a night together at Charlie’s Hotel, I also realized, being away from each other wouldn’t be easy for us.


==> I don’t think this is perfect manip, but I decided to use it because for me, it represents their difficult feelings for being away from each other.

But we both knew, I must leave. We have obligations to fulfill.


I should thanks Jules, she’s a great mother. She’s been very thoughtful.


When I hugged her, I told her that her support for us made me deeply indebted. Her friendly and warm hug eased my painful feeling for being away from her daughter. She said that I should be taking care of myself in NY. She cares about me. And I also thank her for that.


Saying goodbye to Kristen wasn’t easy. We both still tired, I could see her sleepy eyes, but I knew, there were not much to say. We’ve shared our time night before. We already knew our feelings for each other. Our relationship is getting stronger. A light kiss on her forehead and lips was enough to show my deepest feelings.

I left my heart with her. I asked her to taking care of it. I knew I will miss her in the next few days in NY.
But this time, it won’t be too painful.


I knew, deep inside of my heart. Through our on-screen kiss in Italy, we have renewed and sealed our relationship.


We are more than just a good friends. I love her. Just like Edward loves Bella. I love her in every way.
She’s my sunshine. My best friend. Our separation is only temporary. Soon I will have her back in my arms again.


==> Another picture manipulation which for me, represents their relationship.

These are what I have in mind when I look at the pictures and I wish could be happen between them. Whatever the true story behind the wide-spread pictures & newest gossip, within the next few days and months, my writings is just my point of view, my own analysis. I’ll be tremendously happy if they could be a real couple, but if not at least I still have something to comfort my feelings.

Disclaimer: All photographs and manips used in this blog are belongs to their rightful owners.